Sunday, February 10, 2008

me jill and zach

One day I invited my bestbuddy Jill and my cousin zach over for my dog Toto's birthday party.Oh did I mention I have a 12 year old dog Meeko.Well he looks much younger.So back to my story so me and my friends.We were playing on my tree house.Which was fun.Well my dad took some pictures of us as u can see well i love to playwith my friend's.So zach/Jill brought present's I thanked them for the presents.Then we ate cake everyone including the dog's.Then we played around soon Zach left so it was just me and Jill about an hour later Jill left so i played with the dog's.I love my dog's they're like people to me.They are my best friends too.Oh so I met a new friend Taylor .......................................................................................................................................

1 comment:

Kthed said...

I love that picutre!