Saturday, February 9, 2008


When i was in kindergarden i got all dressed-up and my sister took pictures of me.I did some wierd poses.It was pretty funny.One time Lauren and Raegan blow-dried my hair while taking pictures.Now people say to smile when i really am smiling.Sometimes i get mad at them other times i don't.Uhhhhhh...i don't know what to say okay i got it one time when i was playing with Toto i threw his duck which we call his ducky he slid and ran into the wall.I laughed real hard for a sec then i felt sorry for him.So i got a towel and ice pack then ran to get him i rapped him up and put the ice pack on his head ran to the chair and layed him down soon enough he fell asleep so that was my first blogger come back for more see ya!


Raegan said...

hey EMMA!
your first blog!
thats cool!
love ya!

Kthed said...

You go girl! I'm so proud of your first blog. Now you can be cool like your cool Aunt Kelli! :) Kdog

Emma Katie :] said...

thanks Kelli

Emma Katie :] said...

thanks Rae

Emma Katie :] said...

thanks Rae